Save Batemans Sanctuaries is a community-driven campaign calling for sanctuary zones in the Batemans Marine Park to be reinstated and returned to full no-take protection status.
Supporters and organisations who support this campaign are motivated by evidence of the decline of NSW coastal habitats, and the global evidence that shows that fully protected marine sanctuaries are the best management tool to protect marine life from increased threats.
This Save Batemans Sanctuaries website is provided by the Australian Marine Conservation Society to support NSW communities who are deeply disturbed by the threat to NSW coastal values (including wildlife, heritage and economic values) that will result from the proposed changes and who are alarmed by the disregard for scientific evidence and community support for sanctuaries across NSW; and the lack of due process followed by the NSW government in proposing and announcing changes to how the NSW marine estate is managed.

Supporting Organisations
Gillianne Tedder; Rosie Leaney; Joel Coleman